December 4, 2012

Nauvo islands in December

Snow on the shore

Beautiful snow covered the seaside on the weekend as we were visiting on Nauvo islands in Turku archipelago.

Vierailimme viikonloppuna Nauvossa mökkisaarella ja rannat olivat peittyneet lumeen.

Can you see the boat? Fishermen are always at the sea, no matter if the sun was shining or the cold winter.

November 12, 2012

Dark and Foggy

And it was a very foggy night...
Ja oli synkkä ja sumuinen yö...
*Bridge over Kirjala strait in Parainen, Finland
*Kirjalansalmen silta, Parainen

November 4, 2012

October 30, 2012

October Snow

Snow in Central Park

On Thursday evening last week it happened - it began to snow! The world turned into a Winter Wonderland. Suddenly the Autumn darkness was gone and the snow lightened the surroundings. 
Welcome snow, we've missed you! You make the world look so beautiful!

Well, it was not ment to stay yet, in October, and now it has already melted away. 
But dear snow and winter, know this, you are the most welcomed guest when you arrive next time, sometime in December / January, I believe! 


Viime viikon torstaina alkoi yhtäkkiä pyryttää lunta ja maailma muuttui kuin taikaiskusta talven ihmemaaksi. Lumi tekee ihmeitä, kaikki peittyi valkeaan harsoon ja maisema oli kuin satukirjasta.

Mutta lokakuun lumet eivät vielä pysy ja sitä iloa kesti viikonlopun verran. Mutta ihanaa saada esimakua mitä tuleman pitää. Vähän aikaa täytyy vielä malttaa ennen kuin lumivaippa peittää maan pysyvämmin.

September 29, 2012


Key Theme: Water 
Reflections on water  
Heijastuksia vedessä

September 16, 2012

Equisetum sylvaticum

One of my favorite places is forest.
And there I was today hiking with my dog (and my camera..).
Among other things we saw rich growth of these wood horsetails.

Olin tänään metsässä koirani kanssa.
Metsä on lempipaikkojani maailmassa, yksi niistä.
Polun varrella näimme runsaasti muun muassa näitä metsäkortteita.

Equisetum sylvaticum
Wood Horsetail

September 15, 2012

Apple tree

It's this time of year again!
Apple pie in the owen - mmm, I love the smell of an apple pie.
And of course with Vanilla Sauce!

Taas on aika omenoiden!
Kotona tuoksuu vastavalmistunut omenapiirakka!

September 12, 2012

Stairs at the Ferry Terminal in Korpo

Go up
Go down
Try not to go upsidedown

This is an old pic, but I thought it would suit nicelely here after the other picture of stairs, below.
This rather simple picture is actually of my favorites. Even though if  I'd take this pic today, I might include just a little bit more of sky and also the sea in the picture for some more space.

But even if I see my mistakes of too tight cropping (and some more), I still like it.
And it's the lines and the simplicity that does it. There is something interesting with simple, "empty" pictures with clear lines. I'm also very fond of these materials, solid rock and old wood.

Maybe that's because I'm a Finn. I mean that's how Finnish design also is. Very simple plain and clear, not too much of anything and made of real materials, often wood.
Well, I'm not a designer, I wish I were, but maybe this longing for simplicity and plain things is inside us Finns. 
Just a thought?

September 11, 2012

Stone forever

Solid as a rock
like these stairs

I liked the contrast of these elements -
 Leaves that will wither as Autumn really takes over
But the rock, it stays. And stays.

September 6, 2012

Be aware of Trolls!

Trolls do not have to be scary! 
Peikot ovat kilttejä!

This cute troll lives on a troll island, Gullkrona in Finnish Archipelago. The island is full of art works like this troll - in other words, where ever you go and where ever you see, there might be a troll hiding.
But they were all (almost..) very cute and friendly trolls, like this smiling one which I fell in love with!

Tämä pikku Peikko asuu Turunmaan saaristossa. Sillä on paljon ystäviä, minne tahansa katsotkin, puun oksalle tai juurakkoon, siellä voi majailla peikko! Oikea Peikkosaari!
Mutta nämä peikot ovat kilttejä! :)

September 3, 2012


Summer Fun

This is what summer holidays are about - having fun and spending time with family and friends.
Without having to worry about timetables and early get_ups.
Oh, still 10 months to next summer vacation - but actually that's also ok,
let's enjoy colours of coming Autumn and snow of Winter first :)

Parasta kesässä; rento yhdessäolo perheen, ystävien ja lähimmäisten kanssa.
Rauhalliset aamut ja päivät ilman aikatauluja.

August 31, 2012

Row your boat

Key Theme: Water (continues)

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

August 25, 2012

Midsummer Bonfire

Midsummer Festival -
not even the sun goes to sleep

This pic is taken last Midsummer. It's the time in Finland that sun does not go down but one could describe it's slowly circling up in the sky. So the nights are not dark at all.
In my family we have a tradition every year at Midsummer Evening to build a bonfire - and I love sitting by it and just watch the flames. And watch. And watch. It somehow feels like the_time_gone, our ancestors in stoneage, is after all not so far from us, because they did the same - stared into flames like we do today.

Sen tulta ja liekkien leikkiä voisin tuijottaa vaikka ikuisuuden. Siihen ei koskaan kyllästy. Tuntuu ihmeelliseltä ajatella, että niin on ihminen tehnyt ihmiskunnan alusta asti.

August 20, 2012

Natural Mirror

Upside down
or was it just the opposite?

I was driving by with a boat on one summer evening. It just happened that the water was very calm and the evening sun lit this little island perfectly. I noticed the reflection in water and told to my hubby to stop the boat, I wanted to capture what I saw. And there it is, a mirror.
But which way is the right way? :)

August 6, 2012

Marmalade Hoverfly

Summer and the insects.
Not one without the other. 

 May I present Marmalade Hoverfly to you. 
These guys were funny, they were not afraid for me at all - they just sat there :) 

August 1, 2012

Pics from Lanzarote

 Pics from Lanzarote
Key Theme: Water

Just an ordinary family trip to Lanzarote for a vacation. Of course I had to shoot some pictures also to the family album. Here's some of them:

Surfers stand_up_paddling in Lanzarote.
I did quite well with this (the B&W one ^) pic in a Photo Contest I attended to.

The Atlantic Ocean and the island La Graciosa. Place where the pic is taken is called Mirador del Rio, up in the most north of Lanzarote. I loved this scenery - the ocean, the sky and the horizon, all blue as long as you can see.

July 31, 2012


First words are often
the most important ones

This is the first posting to my new fotoblog. And I notice I have a White Paper Syndrome!! :D
But to make long story short, I have quite a long time already thought that some kind of place for publishing pictures would be nice. A web place for short stories and comments with pictures. 
But I however needed a push from a friend before this came true =)

My pictures are mostly about nature and what I see in my surroundings. Also details of familiar objects interest me. So I guess pictures about these topics will mostly fill this site. And then the rest will be something else.

But that will remain to be seen :) 

I'm glad you stopped by for watching my pics!